Features: A specially developed mask to give country and sports cyclists with excellent protection against particulate pollution.,Uses a HepA-type filter to protect against sub-micron particulates such as pollens and respirable dusts.,Includes two free flowing Powa valves to allow unimpeded exhalation, which is particularly important when riding at your limit.,Comes in two sizes, with a contoured shape for a snug and comfortable fit, and Velcro pads for easy application.,Made from aerated Neotex giving a lightweight and well vented mask.,The filter is replaceable, and is designed to remain effective until a noticeable discolouration of the filter occurs.,.
Features:A set of two spare Techno valves for Techno, City, and Nitesight masks.,.
Features:The most versatile mask available, giving excellent filtration against most types of pollution a cyclist is likely to encounter.,Uses a Dynamic Activated Charcoal Cloth filter to filter the worst of urban pollution.,Also uses a HepA-type filter to screen out sub-micron pollutants such as pollens and respirable dusts.,Includes two Techno valves to allow easier exhalation, which is particularly important as they release heat, water vapour and Carbon Dioxide.,Comes in two sizes, with a contoured shape for a good seal and comfortable fit and Velcro pads for easy application.,Made from hypo-allergenic Neoprene giving a comfortable and secure fit.,The filter is replaceable, and is designed to be effective for at least 1 month in normal daily use.,.