Enduro Bearings ACB 3748 - ABEC 3 Bearing
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Enduro Bearings ACB 3748 - ABEC 3 Bearing

  • £26.99
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Product ID
Brand Enduro Bearings
Store Tredz Limited
Angular contact bearings provide maximum load distribution across all of the ball bearings unlike standard bearings which load only those at the bottom of the bearing. This load distribution ensures bearing life is increased drastically allowing for more time spent in the saddle than the workshop.Key Features: Bearing Code: ACB 3748, Dimensions: 37 x 48 x 6.5mm (36x45), ABEC: 3, Grade: 10, Seals: LLB, Grease: Kyodo Yushi PS-2, Application: Headsets, Weight: 25.25g.
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Tredz Limited Enduro Bearings ACB 3748 - ABEC 3 Bearing £26.99 Visit Store

Angular contact bearings provide maximum load distribution across all of the ball bearings unlike standard bearings which load only those at the bottom of the bearing. This load distribution ensures bearing life is increased drastically allowing for more time spent in the saddle than the workshop.Key Features: Bearing Code: ACB 3748, Dimensions: 37 x 48 x 6.5mm (36x45), ABEC: 3, Grade: 10, Seals: LLB, Grease: Kyodo Yushi PS-2, Application: Headsets, Weight: 25.25g.

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